My flight back to civilization

Sri Lankan Airlines, Colombo to Chennai. Why is it that when I am absolutely desperate to get away from someplace that I miss my flight? The same thing happened in Hawaii last year. You might also ask 'why am I desperate to get away from tropical islands with amazing beaches that many people consider to be paradises' but that is a question for another time. Greatly looking forward to leaving Sri Lanka and having a nice afternoon flight at 14:15, I left my guesthouse at 10:18. The airport is about an hour and 30 minutes away by train, but involves a change of trains and a walk of about 2km from the train station to the airport. When it came time to change trains I found that the connection didn't leave for one hour. For some stupid reason I decided that getting a bus would be better than waiting that hour. I found a bus and after the bus driver assured me that we would leave in 5 minutes we ended up sitting around for 45 min waiting for the bus to fill. Then we spent the next hour and 45 minutes stuck in traffic. Then the hour drive to the airport, where we arrived at 13:55. The nice lady at Sri Lankan Airlines ticketing put me on a flight leaving 4 hrs later. I was worried about arriving in Chennai after dark but it was fine, no big deal. And now I can tell you how happy I am to be in India! I saw a lot of cool things in Sri Lanka and there is some food there that I will really miss, but in terms of getting back to a place where travel can be enjoyable again it's like night and day. I could go into a huge rant about all the things I hated about Sri Lanka and what I think of the Sri Lankan people but I won't. The easiest way to let you know how I feel is to tell you that now I am in India I feel like I am back in civilization.
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