
Tyre, the most important city of the Phoenicians, but like Carthage the ruins you can stil see today are mostly from Roman times.

Felafel in Tyre, only 50 cents a sandwich, and I don't really need to tell you how ridiculously good they are do I?

Byblos, 8000 years of human settlement from prehistoric times to the Crusades.

A Crusader castle on the road to Tripoli

Temple of Jupiter at Baalbek

Temple of Bacchus at Baalbek

Souvenir of Lebanon! Hezbollah t-shirts for sale outside Baalbek

Aanjar, the ruins of an 8th century Umayyad fortified city
Wow, the Temple of Bacchus looks amazing... Did you get to explore inside it?
And yum, those felafels look really good!
I did get to go in, and the detail in the stone work, especially at the top of the columns was incredible!
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