The Pilgrimage

Since I was in Indonesia I thought I ought to check out the boyhood home of our new president! Turns out it's right here in Jakarta not far from where I am staying. And this is it! And it's where I personally believe Obama was raised as a Muslim by his stepfather. Islamic law requires parents to start teaching their children how to pray at the age of 7 and to enforce the keeping of the 5 daily prayers on them when they turn 10. Obama lived in Indonesia from age 6 to age 10, and in this house from age 8 to 10. He says his stepfather wasn't a devout Muslim but I don't believe him. I also don't believe that his mother wasn't a practicing Muslim either. He paints a picture of her in one of his books as someone who studied multiple religions and had holy books from many different religions on the bookshelf, but I personally think she went through a Muslim phase in her life. How else do you explain her marrying two Muslim men in a row? It's too much to be a coincidence. I would think after the first one she would avoid Muslim men from then on if she wasn't a Muslim herself. We already know Obama lied when he promised "hope" and "change" in his campaign for president, what else has he lied about?

Did Obama pray here? This is the mosque down the street from the Obama house. I'm not sure how old it is but if it's at least 40 years old then this is the most likely place that Obama's family would have gone to pray. I also could have gone to the Islamic school where young Barack went to classes but I was getting bored with all this and wanted to get back to looking for street food.
Obama's an atheist. He's too smart to believe any religion's lies. Why else would he give a shot out to atheists in his inauguration speech?
Of course he's an athiest, which also means he's a liar, since he claims to be Christian. The point here is that he's a liar, he lied about not being raised as a Muslim, he lied about having some kind of Christian faith, and he lied about "hope" and "change" in order to get elected. You believed him, that makes you a sucker :)
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