10 days on the Gringo Trail - Panama to Guatemala

The surprising Panama City skyline

It's very hard not to visit the Panama Canal, I tried my best but I ended up here anyway.

A Night in Managua - From Panama City to El Salvador I traveled with an amazing group of Christian missionaries who are on a round the world mission trip. A sketch artist drew us all as we had dinner in a Managua taco shack.

Hey Ortega's back! Now that the CIA has it's hands full in the Middle East, Latin American countries are able to elect Leftist leaders in free and fair democratic elections with minimal interference from the United States. The poor of the world rise up indeed!

Street tamales in San Salvador, 5 tamales for $1. Awesome!

The Basilica of Esquipulas in Guatemala. Pilgrims come here from miles around to see the famous Black Jesus - El Cristo Negro!

There is plenty of street food in Esquipulas to feed the throngs of pilgrims. I had these really good tamales for breakfast.

The Mayan ruins of Copan in Honduras

Copan is most famous for it carvings, especially this Hieroglyphic Stairway

The Temple of the Inscriptions

A Scarlet Macaw poses for photos atop the ruins, high above the jungle.

Antigua Guatemala, a charming little grid at the foot of a few very imposing volcanoes

More delicious tamales on the street in Antigua

Declarations of gratitude posted around the tomb of a holy man at the Iglesia de San Francisco. Very similar to the walls of the Stone Gate in Zagreb