11 April 2009

Finally not an island - Australia

I sure didn't think that I'd end up in Australia on this trip, but it turns out that going to Australia is the easiest way to get out of East Timor, and the really cool thing is that Darwin is the gateway to one of the places in Australia that I had been thinking a lot about lately; Kakadu National Park.

It wasn't such a good idea though, among other reasons because every morning there were hundreds maybe even thousands of local Australians waiting to greet me outside my tent, hungry for my blood.

This is a typical spider in the Australian outback, it's as big as my hand.

I get the feeling that this part of Australia has an serious insect problem, this is a typical termite mound.

10 April 2009

Air North - Dili to Darwin

Airline #68

09 April 2009

Kids in Timor-Leste

They were really cool from the border to Dili, but in Baucau the kids were terrible. I think it has to do with the presence of the UN in the country and the high UN concentration in Baucau. UN guys must have handed out water at some point as well because all the kids beg for water the same way Indian kids beg for "one school pen", not because they want it or need it but simply because they know that's what white people hand out. If the future of this country is it's children then it's in serious trouble.

The search for the perfect beach part 7 - Timor-Leste

07 April 2009

day in the life... Timor-Leste


Swim, read, nap, repeat.


06 April 2009

Fruit in Timor-Leste

These were available on the roadside for sale everywhere. They were so nice and sweet and great for a break after a long day of walking.

These are Malay Apples, similar to the Jamaican Apples I had in Jamaica. These were smaller and not as good, but they were growing on a tree in the place I was staying in Dili so all I had to do was get a broom, knock some down from the tree and eat them.