
This country is the best! Definitely the highlight of this trip so far, and ranking up there with Kiev for the year.
This country is the best! Definitely the highlight of this trip so far, and ranking up there with Kiev for the year.
Just last year I thought I would never go to Albania. There are 48 countries in Europe and I figured about 6 of them were unreasonable to go to, maybe because they were unsafe, too difficult to get into, or too far out of the way. Albania was one of them, but here I am. It's a great thrill to go to a place that 15 years ago was completely closed to outsiders and that until recently wasn't someplace you would really want to go to anyway. Now it's an interesting, fun place to visit, and you just pay the 10 euro fee and they let you in!
You can actually spnd the night in some of them and I was going to do that and then go to Bari to catch the Friday night ferry to Montenegro. But a room in a Trulli was a bit more than I wanted to pay and the place was a tourist ghetto anyway so I changed the plan yet again and went to Bari for the only ferry that runs every day of the week. And that is how I ended up in Albania!
Not exactly where I wanted to spend my birthday. The original plan was to find some nice little mediterranean village and go mountain biking, but when I found out that the ferry from Bari to Dubrovnik only sailed once a week on Wednesdays I decided to spend the day doing what I love the most, traveling. A series of four trains and one boat was to get me from Catania to Bari in about 12 hours, just in time to catch the overnight ferry to Dubrovnik. Well, one delayed train threw the whole carefully planned route into a big mess and when I realized I wouldn't make the ferry I changed the plan again. I ended up in Taranto where I spent the night in order to go to Alberobello on Thursday. Taranto was quite lively. It seemed like everyone in the city was out on the waterfront that night. There was a full orchestra playing in the center of town and some of the streets and bulidings were decorated with lights.
I was glad to leave Malta this morning. Only 2 days there and I had run out of stuff to do. I guess if you've seen one tiny Mediterranean island nation then you've seen them all right? I picked this Sicilian city as my next destination because I had a flyer for an interesting hostel here. It turned out to be a good choice, there are Roman ruins across the street, a crazy morning fish market nearby and under the hostel is a cave they turned into a bar/resturant.